Getting into college today is tough, not to mention expensive. Getting an athletic scholarship is a great way to help pay, if not totally pay for college. But sending in scholarship applications is not always enough. Coaches want to see what you can do and in today’s economy it’s not always affordable for colleges to send out scouts to every school or sports camp in the nation. So how do you show off your skills to college coaches? You show off your skills by having a Sports Highlight DVD produced by EdiTran and then you send it to prospective colleges that you would like to attend. This actually isn’t a new idea and coaches are very particular about what they want to see on a Sports Highlight Video. With EdiTran’s expertise in knowing what coaches are looking for we can produce a quality highlight video for you. We offer two sport highlight package options. Option 1, you provide existing footage or you shoot the video after getting specific instructions from EdiTran and we edit the footage into a quality highlight video and with Option 2, EdiTran shoots and edits the highlight video. Please call for pricing and specific instructions.