If a picture is worth a thousand words, then just think what kind of story can be told with a whole bunch of pictures. EdiTran has the delicate touch to take your photographs and create a video masterpiece. Whether for a wedding, anniversary, birthday, graduation, retirement or even a funeral, have that certain someone memorialized with a photo montage produced by EdiTran Multimedia Services, Inc. We ask that you number each picture/slide in the order in which you want it to appear on the video. We can then add motion, titles, graphics and music. And we can deliver all of this on a DVD or any other format that you desire.
EdiTran can digitize your photographs or slides for archiving as well. Every photograph or slide is wiped clean of dust and digitized at a high resolution and saved as an uncompressed .tif file. We then can transfer those digital files to a data DVD or a customer provided hard drive or personal thumb drive. If slide restoration is needed, we can offer you those services as well.